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Submit to PubSpace

What is PubSpace? | Who is Required to Participate? | Browse & Search PubSpace | How to Participate | Submission Guides & Resources | Additional Help

What is PubSpace?

PubSpace launch is NASA’s designated public access repository. It is a collection of NASA-funded scholarly publications within the STI Repository launch , aiming to increase access to federally funded research in accordance with NASA Public Access Policy launch . The collection enables free public access to NASA’s peer-reviewed scholarly publications, including accepted manuscripts and publisher version of record, after the designated publisher embargo period.  

This collection currently features over 27,000 metadata records with links to publisher websites and 9,800 full-text journal articles. Formerly housed in NIH’s PubMed Central, PubSpace within the STI Repository was officially launched as of November 17th, 2022. 

For more information on Public Access, please visit our About Public Access page or contact the Public Access Help Desk . 

Who is Required to Participate

All NASA-funded researchers (both civil servant and non-civil servant) are required launch to ensure that copies of publications and associated data are deposited into NASA’s designated public access repository, PubSpace launch . The PubSpace launch Collection, formerly housed by National Institutes of Health (NIH), is now included as a part of the STI Repository.

The PubSpace Collection EXCLUDES patents, publications that contain material governed by personal privacy, export control, proprietary restrictions, or national security law or regulations.

Learn more about how NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services supports public access to research .

Browse and Search PubSpace

As of February 1, 2022, NASA-funded publications are being collected directly by NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services and can be accessed through the PubSpace Collection launch in the NASA STI Repository. Please see the Search Tips for the NASA STI Repository for assistance searching the STI Repository.

NASA’s PubSpace portal to the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) PubMed Central (PMC) repository of journal articles from NASA-funded research remains accessible. You can access the portal here: launch .

How to Participate

NASA-funded authors can ensure their publications will be made available in PubSpace by either publishing with a publisher member of the Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States (CHORUS) launch or by submitting the publication directly through the NF-1676 process (NASA Civil Servants or Contractors with a NASA identity) or by using an external STI submission form (external Contractors without NASA identities, grantees, and cooperative agreement holders). NASA has entered into a partnership agreement with CHORUS which allows NASA-funded authors to more easily satisfy the Agency’s requirements for public access launch when the publisher is a member of CHORUS.

CHORUS Links to Reference

See the sections below for step-by-step instructions on how to ensure your peer-reviewed publications are included in PubSpace.

Submission Guides and Resources

For NASA Civil Servants and Contractors with a NASA Identity

Internal Submit to PubSpace Instructions

Prior to submitting a manuscript to a publisher, NASA Civil Servants and Contractors with a NASA identity (who can access NASA Launchpad)* are required to utilize the NF-1676 process to submit and obtain approval for publications launch for distribution in PubSpace launch . NASA Civil Servants and Contractors with a NASA identity must first submit their preprint through the STRIVES launch platform, and once accepted, they may submit to a publisher for inclusion.

To access STRIVES, NASA users must be located at a NASA center or utilize the NASA VPN application. External contractors who do not have access can utilize the external submission form .

To Submit a Publication:

  1. Author submits their preprint via the NF-1676 process. Contact your Center STI Office with questions or for assistance with the NF-1676 process.
  2. Author submits the approved preprint to their journal of choice for publication.
  3. Once accepted by the publisher, the author should verify if the publication is available from a CHORUS publisher by searching PubSpace launch . If the publication is not found, confirm that the publisher is on the CHORUS Publisher Member list launch .
    • If your publication is found in PubSpace or the publisher is on the CHORUS Publisher Member list, you have completed your requirement to comply with NASA policy.
    • If your publisher is not on the list, continue to step 4.
  4. Submit your accepted manuscript by attaching it to your preprint record and completing a resubmit. The publication will be available in PubSpace launch after the required embargo period (12 months from publication date).

If you believe your publication should be available from CHORUS but are unable to locate it, please reach out to the Public Access Help Desk .

Note: Does not apply to JPL at this time; JPL continues to use its Unlimited Release System (URS) for depositing to NASA PubSpace.

*Contractors with a NASA identity and the deposit requirement stipulated within their contract.

For External NASA Grantees, Contractors without a NASA Identity, and Cooperative Agreement Holders

External Submit to PubSpace Instructions

Grantees, contractors, and cooperative agreement holders without a NASA identity* should follow these steps:

  1. Verify if the publication is available from a CHORUS launch publisher by searching NASA’s PubSpace launch . If the publication is not found, confirm that the publisher is on the  CHORUS Publisher Member list launch .

    If your publication is found in PubSpace or the publisher is on the CHORUS Publisher Member list, you have completed your requirement to comply with NASA policy.

    If you believe your publication should be available from CHORUS but are unable to locate it, please reach out to the Public Access Help Desk . To ensure your publication properly acknowledges NASA funding and will be made available in CHORUS, refer to section D3 of the Grants and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM): launch

    • All information disseminated as a result of the award shall contain a statement which acknowledges NASA’s support and identifies the award by number (e.g., “the material is based upon work supported by NASA under award No(s) XXXXX (as shown on the award notice).)

    This will assist in having your publication ingested in the PubSpace Collection through CHORUS.

  2. If your publication is not available in PubSpace or is not with a CHORUS Publisher Member, submit your publication directly to NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services through this form .

    • Before submitting, have the following information ready:
      • NASA Funding Number. Check with your PI or search Grant Status launch if not sure of the funding number.
      • Principal Investigator Name and E-mail
      • DOI for the peer-reviewed publication
      • Title of the peer-reviewed publication
      • The name of one author and corresponding affiliation from the author list
      • Publication name
    • On the form, select Submit a Publication
    • Complete the required fields and attach the file for your publication

*Unless otherwise directed by your contract or agreement.

Additional Help

Explore FAQs or contact the Public Access Help Desk .

US Government ORCID Consortium Logo NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services manages NASA’s US Government ORCID Consortium membership. The partnership provides the ability to manage Persistent Identifiers (PIDs), enhance services to the STI Repository, and align NASA submission processes with common publishing practices. Learn more about the US Government ORCID Consortium launch .