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Annual STI Spotlight: #ExploreArtemis

Explore Artemis Banner with image on left of surface of the moon with a rover and astronaut stepping into spacecraft and a collage of images on right showing NASA scientists working on Artemis projects


Sending human explorers 250,000 miles to the Moon, then 140 million miles to Mars, requires support and coordination from all of NASA’s centers. The #ExploreArtemis campaign will showcase center support of the Artemis mission throughout 2022 by highlighting research from NASA’s STI Repository on our social media accounts. Find us and follow along on Facebook launch , Twitter launch , and YouTube launch !

Explore Research from NASA Centers

Ames Research Center launch has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology, and science aligned with the center’s core capabilities. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Armstrong Flight Research Center launch is NASA’s primary center for high-risk, atmospheric flight research, and test projects. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Glenn Research Center launch designs and develops innovative technology to advance NASA’s missions in aeronautics and space exploration. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Goddard Space Flight Center launch is home to the nation’s largest organization of scientists, engineers and technologists who build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study Earth, the sun, our solar system and the universe. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Headquarters launch provides overall guidance and direction to the agency. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Jet Propulsion Laboratory launch carries out robotic space and Earth science missions with world-leading innovative programs in planetary exploration, space-based astronomy, and technology development. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Johnson Space Center launch is the home of mission control and astronaut training, and currently leads development of the Orion spacecraft and NASA’s Gateway outpost program, as well as numerous other advanced human exploration projects. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Kennedy Space Center launch is America’s premier multi-user spaceport and is preparing to send humans deeper into space than ever before through NASA’s Artemis program. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Langley Research Center launch works to make revolutionary improvements to aviation, expand understanding of Earth’s atmosphere, and develop technology for space exploration. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Marshall Space Flight Center launch delivers NASA’s most vital propulsion systems and hardware, flagship launch vehicles, world-class space systems, state-of-the-art engineering technologies, and cutting-edge science and research projects and solutions. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

Stennis Space Center launch is America’s largest rocket engine test facility, testing the engines that power NASA’s human spaceflight programs. #ExploreArtemis research launch .

View research from our #NASAMissionGo 2021 campaign. launch